10 Powerful Ways Women Can Support Other Women

When was the last time you remember empowering another woman? The act of empowering women may sound like it takes a lot of work, dedication, and energy, but it's pretty simple! And believe us, it feels good and uplifting, not only to the person you are complimenting but to your overall mood.

Infuse empowerment into your day-to-day with these simple ways as we work together to uplift each other's spirit.

Give A Compliment 

Try giving compliments more often and notice how you feel throughout the day. Giving another woman a sincere compliment, whether it is her hair, cute plus-size clothes, or smile, Something as simple and easy impacts someone, and you'll also feel great making someone else feel good. 

Validate Women's Self-Expression

In the media and popular culture, women's stories are severely underrepresented. When you witness a woman bravely sharing her story and allowing herself to be vulnerable, applaud and recognize her courage.

Digital Love 

Share your support with your digital audience. If you love a woman-owned business or have admired a particular body-positive influencer, feel free to share their content or leave a sweet and sincere comment on their page to show support. This may look effortless, but it has the potential to help small creators and businesses you love.

Have a Cup of Coffee

Thinking of your bestie or colleague that may be having a bad time lately? Treat them to a cup of coffee or an after-day margarita. It's always a good idea to initiate a catch-up session. A simple gesture of support and care goes beyond the extent. You never know they might need it. 

Be Present

Step in to amplify another woman's voice. Some women are having difficulty speaking up, and putting your confidence in another woman can make them feel worthy.


Suppose you like to give back and support women in need; you can always volunteer your time at a women's shelter. If you don't have the time or know any shelters near you, you can do small acts of donation such as giving baggies filled with essential feminine items and sharing these with homeless women in your area.


If you have extra funds to put toward a great cause, research charities or initiatives that back women and help propel them with a donation!

Shop Women-Owned Businesses 

What are some places you frequently shop? Do you know if men or women-run those companies? Only 40% of businesses are woman-owned so we probably get our products from companies that don't employ women at higher levels. But there are other alternatives! Empowering female entrepreneurs elevates the entire community and also ensures that women have products that are a better fit for them. Next time you shop, see if you can find women-owned boutiques instead! 

Share opportunities

If you have the means or in a leadership or executive role, scout for women who would benefit from an opportunity and recommend them. Being an advocate for women is like promoting ourselves. Keep the communication channels open between one another.

Build your network

Look for positive, encouraging, strong, and determined women you may know can help you or vice versa. Building a solid network can encourage you to push through things that may seem impossible to do. Don't be afraid to seek help or advice from those you admire.

Weave these tiny acts of kindness into your day to uplift the women around you. Working together is much better than competing with each other. Please share with us your personal story or act of empowerment you have done in the past or present. We love to hear you out and learn from you as well!

1 comment

  • Anna B

    Be Great On Purpose Gorgeous

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